Mar 3, 2021 | 2021, News Releases

Edmonton – March 2, 2021 – Cortus Metals Inc. (the “Company”, or “Cortus”) (TSX-V: CRTS), is pleased to report the results of its 380 line-km high-resolution ground magnetics survey covering the 2,590-hectare Red Rock project area. The property is located within the prolific Carlin Trend of northeastern Nevada, approximately 15 km southeast along-trend from Gold Standard’s Pinion and Dark Star gold deposits, which are part of their Railroad-Pinion Project. A structural corridor trending >10km northwest under shallow alluvial cover was delineated by the ground magnetics survey, which has been interpreted as an along-strike extension of the structural trends hosting the Pinion and Dark Star deposits.

Figure 1: The 2021 high-resolution ground magnetic survey highlights a prospective >10km structural corridor under shallow alluvial cover. The interpreted structural corridor is on-trend with Gold Standard’s Dark Star and Pinion deposits and considered to be within similar stratigraphy.


·      A large northwest-trending break in the ground magnetics survey indicates a previously unmapped structural corridor beneath shallow alluvial cover

·      Situated on-trend with the Dark Star and Pinion deposits, which host reserves of 883,000 oz Au and 364,000 oz Au respectively, and measured and indicated resources of 921,000 oz Au and 544,000 oz Au respectively*

·      Important stratigraphic positions controlling mineralization at the Dark Star and Pinion deposits are considered to be drill-accessible under shallow cover at Red Rock

·      Igneous rocks of Eocene age identified adjacent to the interpreted structural corridor are known to be important iron sources for the sulfidation reactions necessary to precipitate gold

·      Jasperoid float is present within the project area, an important vector for gold in the region

·      Carbonate rock units indicated beneath shallow cover are excellent geochemical traps

·      A gravity geophysical survey and a soil sampling program are planned

·      Drill targets will be developed from gold-in-soil anomalies

·      The Red Rock Project is available for acquisition, option or joint venture


Dark Star and Pinion Deposits

Mineralization at the Dark Star deposit is typical of oxidized Carlin-style deposits, occurring within Pennsylvanian siliciclastics and carbonates, and focused where sedimentary rock contacts are coincident with north-striking faults within the Dark Star Structural Trend.  At the Pinion deposit, mineralization is controlled by Mississippian and Devonian sedimentary contacts adjacent to a northwest-striking horst. Alteration associated with mineralization at both deposits is the decalcification and subsequent silicification of sedimentary rocks proximal to the structural corridors. The stratigraphy at Red Rock is interpreted to host both important contacts at drill-accessible depths.

Next Steps

The projection of known mineralized structures from the Railroad-Pinion Project under alluvial cover, in conjunction with geophysical and geochemical methods, indicates a significant opportunity to delineate and drill for buried gold deposits at Red Rock. Gravity geophysics will be completed to map depths to bedrock, and a soil sampling program will test for mineralization along the newly identified structural corridor. Soil geochemistry will be used in conjunction with the recently completed ground magnetics to develop robust drill targets.


About Cortus Metals Inc.

Cortus Metals Inc. (TSX-V: CRTS) is a new Canadian mineral exploration company with a highly prospective portfolio of early-stage projects in Nevada and an innovative project generator strategy to advance them to fruition. Cortus’ expert team uses systematic methods and proprietary data to target significant epithermal and Carlin-type mineralization beneath shallow cover. We provide investors with exceptional opportunities to capitalize on the potential for gold-silver discoveries >1-million-ounces in a perennially top-rated mining jurisdiction. Our mandate is to collaborate with third parties to complete drill programs of 2-4,000 metres with Cortus retaining a significant interest in the outcomes. Our projects are available for acquisition via sale, option and/or joint venture mechanisms.