Metalero’s ProjectsÂ
Projects Held for Sale
Stratigraphic & Structural Controls Similar to McEwan’s Gold Bar Mine:
819k oz Au measured & indicated, 201k oz Au inferredÂ
- Located in the Gold Bar district along the Battle Mountain Eureka Trend
- Magnetic and Gravity anomalies coincide with projected structures and soil sample anomalies beneath the alluvium cover
- Drill ready with well-defined targets, drilling permits in progress
Analogous toLong Canyon Mine:
Carlin Type Gold deposit 170k Attributable oz AuÂ
Large land package located within the Long Canyon Trend with excellent infrastructure
Magnetic anomalies coincide with structures projected from the range, Jasperiod outcrop and possible intrusive dykes & swarms that would be sources of mineralization similar to Long Canyon
2021 field work includes alteration mapping and planning a drill program
Analogous to Hollister Mine that produced >450k oz Au and >2.5 Moz Ag
Situated along the Carlin Trend related to Miocene epithermal high grade gold mineralization
Surface structures and alteration indicate a low temperature epithermal deposit
Current field work includes a detailed soil surface sampling program and a Ground Magnetic survey to identify drill targets
Analogous to Newmont’s Phoenix Cu-Au deposit 241k Attributable oz of Au and 32M Attributable pounds of Cu
Located along an extension of Getchell Trend targeting Eocene Au-Cu mineralization
Ground Magnetic and surface sample anomalies indicate a Carlin-Type gold deposit
Rock samples taken from historic mining on project yield up to 4 g/ton Au 29g/ton Ag
Projects Under Option
Powerline Project
Powerline is drill-ready and situated on-trend with 5 deposits totaling >8 Moz of gold resources.
Highly analogous to the Waterton Spring Valley Deposit sharing similar structural trends and altered lithologies, including Triassic rhyolites, siliciclastics, and carbonates in the Humboldt range. Spring Valley reported a measured and indicated resource of 2,160,000oz Au and inferred resource of 1,971,00oz Au in 20111.
- Gustavson Associates 43-101 (May 2011)
The Powerline project is located 8 kilometers northeast of the Spring Valley gold deposit along a southwest extension of the Getchell Trend, a major northeast structural trend of deposits containing 19.4 Moz Au produced and 42.5 Moz Au endowment.2
Silver and antimony mines on the range formed in a northwest-trending corridor project onto the pediment to intersect the main north-northeast fault through the major deposits. These elements are common pathfinders to gold mineralization, often peripheral to a central hydrothermal hot spot in large Nevada gold deposits.
2. Total estimated gold endowment based on Muntean (PDAC, 2020)
Well-defined correlations between mapped structures, geochemical anomalies, and magnetic anomalies define drill targets and strong potential for an epithermal deposit below the pediment. Drill permitting for the Powerline project is in progress.

Grayson Project
Highly analogous to the Relief Canyon Mine 834,200 oz Au
The Grayson Project is a Miocene Epithermal Target with similar stratigraphic and structural controls as those controlling mineralization at the Relief Canyon Mine, 26 km northwest and along strike of the Luning-Fencemaker thrust fault system. Relief Canyon reported a resource of 789,000 oz of gold (measured-indicated) and 45,200 oz of gold (inferred) in 2018*
*Technical Report and Feasibility Study for the Relief Canyon Project, Pershing County, Nevada, USA. Pershing Gold Corporation. July 6, 2018.
The road accessible Grayson Project located in alluvial/volcanic covered pediment close to numerous past and presently producing mines including Relief Canyon, Coeur-Rochester Mine and Spring Valley Canyon Mine in the Pershing County, Nevada, USA.
 Antimony, mercury, and fluorite mines are present within the range within and surrounding the Grayson Property, these are common gold pathfinders located on the peripheries of large deposits.
Well-defined correlations between mapped structures, geochemical data and magnetic anomalies define drill targets on the Grayson Property. Drill permitting for the Grayson project is in progress.